From the amazing transporter that met up with me with BHRR's Cosette:
"From Fiona's mummy: We have pink doggles and Cosette would look smashing in them. But alas, no sunroof. Cosette was very afraid at the SPCA. Her handler did a great job in getting her in my car and giving me advice for the trip home. She was teary eyed. She really loved Cosette. Cosette was great in the car. Slept most of the way. She was really afraid when we stopped at KAH, she tinkled a wee bit. However, Gwen took off with her into an office and about 45 minutes later emerged a new Cosette! She was far more outgoing but stuck to Gwen like a wrinkle to a shar pei (sorry, Fiona and Rupert are peis, hence my analogies…) Gwen and her magic touch. A bit of time in the BHRR program working on her self esteem and this small Dane will become a grand Dame. Just you wait and see. Mwoua Mwoua xxxxx ma belle Cosette."