BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin AKA Gentle Ben)
January 7th, 2010 – January 12th, 2019
*Picture is from December 24th, 2018*

As many are aware we made a post re: BHRR’s Big Ben in May 2018 re: how he had been diagnosed with an inoperable nasal tumour.

He had been having nosebleeds since that March and after many diagnostics plus seeing a specialist, he was diagnosed with this horrible tumour.

Other than the intermittent nose bleeds,one would not know at that time that something horrible was growing inside of him…..

Due to his age, he was not considered a great candidate for radiation or chemo either. We wanted the time that he had left to be the best that we can give him and we did whatever was recommended for him by the experts.

BHRR’s Big Ben was also placed on the Chinese Herb, Yunnan Baiyao. We have used this herb many times over the past almost 10 years with great success and it was to also prove to be the case for BHRR’s Big Ben.

While we were not given a set time line to expect to say our good-byes to this really wonderful plus handsome black/tan Great Dane, we were told that it would be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Our wish was to see him be with us as long as possible and miraculously he was with us for our June BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House, our annual September ‘DINE WITH THE BHRR Doggies’, our annual December Potluck and on December 30th, we had friends over – Aaron/Cherie – for dinner and he remained happy, healthy as could be and strong.

Unfortunately, after celebrating his 9th Birthday, his nose bleeds came back with a vengeance, his muzzle became swollen almost overnight and his breathing began to be a bit wheezy.

We would never see any of our dogs suffer and we knew that it was time….as difficult as this decision was to make, we knew that it had to be done.

BHRR’s Big Benjamin, you were laid to rest held so warmly in our loving embrace and though I tried so hard to choke back the tears, they fell in ever increasing drops on to your soft fur as my heart began to shatter into ever increasing pieces in having to finally say our good-byes.

I have been connected to BHRR’s Benjamin for many years….I watched him be put up for sale again and again since 2010.

He had been kept outside in the freezing cold, had frost bite, had untreated diarrhea and it was said that he could never be trained.

I have never met a dog yet that could not be trained….

It broke my heart over and over as this person refused to hand him over to rescue. They wanted to get money for him. Over and over again he was sold and returned to them.

AND it broke my heart when we learned after the fact of a person who was aware of his story and how hard we had been working to get him, bought him and then returned him right back to his original owner, a couple of days later as they said they could not handle him, instead of doing the right thing.

Then, he disappeared off our radar and the next thing I knew, I was receiving an email from another rescue that he had been surrendered to.

They felt they were not in the best position to help him and on January 29th, 2011, I picked him up.

The dog that was said could not be trained entered an obedience competition with myself after his rehabilitation. We came 3rd out of a field of 25 entered. I knew we could do better yet there was a boxer in the ring and well, BHRR’s Potter – a boxer in our Haven Program and BHRR’s Ben were best buds – so, when the Boxer that was in the obedience competition saw BHRR’s Big Ben and vice versa, I knew we had lost! Those two became quite focused with each other and later I learned that this Boxer lived in a home with a Dane all of their very own so it was fate that these two would lose focus in the ring together! FOND memories!

We did end up adopting out BHRR’s Big Ben yet sadly he came back to BHRR in 2016 – 4 years and 7 months after his approved adoption due to a divorce.

We made the decision that he had gone through more than enough in his life and he became a treasured Haven Dog.

He was an outstanding ambassador for his breed and a big favourite for so many BHRR supporters. He had a massive fan club and was a very popular boy for play dates!

BHRR’s Big Ben, going to bed last night was painful….every night I would tell you how much I loved my “Benny Boy”, gave you your treatie, said for you to have a good sleepies plus that I would see you in the morning.  I always made sure that you were tucked in with your favourite blanket on your bed.

When I woke up this AM, the cold reality of you no longer being here set right back in….

Gentle, kind, caring, sweet, gorgeous inside and out, loving and so forgiving of all that had transpired in your life, you really are a gem of a dog.

I so wish I could have given you longer in this world….to show your more, to give you more and to make you whole again and my heart breaks that this is not the way things are…..

Please forgive me dear sweet Benny….I wanted so badly to give you so much more…..

Until we meet again, you and I will continue to meet in our dreams as I do with all those that crossed before you. I love you with all that I am….

Thank you to everyone that came out today to our last 2018 hosted event at BHRR!

Our 7th Annual Chain of Success Thank You Pooch/People Potluck.

We had a total of 31 folks come out to spend the afternoon and evening with The Boerskins! Sadly, we had three homes reach out to us to say that they were sick and could no longer attend and we sincerely hope that you feel better soon!

We feel deeply honoured to have had so many wonderful folks grace our home and thank you Bruce for the donation of your 50/50 winnings back to BHRR! That will all go towards BHRR’s Char’s mounting Vet Bills.

Thank you from our hearts for the paper towels, the laundry detergent, the fabric softener and the Lysol Wipes….so desperately needed and deeply appreciated!

Each of you are truly lovely and we are privileged plus humbled to have your support.

We hope everyone has a really wonderful and safe Holiday Season!

A pic – the others would not post so will post on the thread instead! – from when most people other than Mary, Jacob & Nate had left!

Warmest good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

Our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction now has 109 amazing items up for bids!

We have just added our last wonderful 12 items!

Auction ends TOMORROW – Thursday November 29th @ 9 PM EST!

We have just added more of Kimberly’s incredible homemade vanilla and also Bailey’s fudge, kitchen towels, 3 x gorgeous The Crazy Dog House Key Chains plus a See Sawyer Run Web Master Harness!

Thank you’s extended once more FROM our hearts to Kimberly, Jan & Uta for their lovely donations!

To learn more and to bid on any of the wonderful gems up for grabs, you have to visit the Auction!

**NOTE: PLEASE note the pick up area(s) for any items you may be interested in. NOT all items can be shipped!**

For anyone that may have an item to donate, please do email It is not too late to consider our cause. All monies raised shall go to the emaciated/severely neglected GD BHRR’s Char!

We remain so devastated that we could not save BHRR’s Bane yet are hoping that you may continue to consider supporting our rescue efforts so that we can help BHRR’s Char.


My last post for my night….

I sincerely wish it was a good news one….

BHRR’s Big Benjamin, one of our Haven Dogs had been having some sneezing with resulting nose bleeds. After being referred to a specialist, it has been confirmed and he has been diagnosed with an inoperable nasal tumour.

This fine man is just shy of 8.5 years young and this saddens us immensely. 

We always shall remain about quality of life and at this time, he is happy Big Ben, eating, drinking, breathing and resting well. Other than the intermittent nose bleeds,one would not know at this moment that something horrible is growing inside of him…..

Due to his age, he was not considered a great candidate for radiation or chemo either. We want the time that he has left to be the best that we can give him and we would do whatever was recommended for him by the experts.

We sincerely hope that he shall be going strong for our upcoming annual June BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house so that so many can love on him one more time……

As with the tradition that we started way back in the day, we are ensuring that he is visiting all of his favourite people and places and having extra special play dates plus visits.

This boy is truly exceptional and this is so unfair…..

On behalf of Big Ben, we ask that you hug your loved ones extra longer tonight and tell people/pets how much you do care, for no one knows what tomorrow shall bring….

This is Gwennie!

Many of you may not know this face for she is always hiding from the lime-light.

Today is a very special day for today is Gwennie’s Birthday! 

If it were not for this truly amazing woman, BHRR would not exist and thousands upon thousands of animals/people would not have been helped over the past 22+ years.

The truly broken physically and/or behaviourally…Danes, Giants and Honourary that have been saved thanks to her. Dogs & Horses that many others would not or could not help. 98% of the dogs that come to Gwen are special needs for this was her mandate for BHRR and are often the dogs’ last chance at having a future. AND Gwennie delivers. She gives these dogs the best of everything.

Many friendships would never have been formed if it were not for this great woman either.

She has not only brought many dogs and people together, she is the glue that keeps those links on her BHRR Chain of Success so strong and stable.

She is often giving credit to others, even when it should come to her….content to stay in the background and let others be the focus of attention. Humble, generous, thoughtful and caring, nothing Gwennie would not do for anyone she felt was worthy.

Loyal to a fault and though trust is hard earned, once earned it is steadfast and solid. Break that trust and that is a whole different story! 

Where Gwennie does not take a back seat is when it comes to the animals and people in need. She has no hesitation in standing up for what is right, takes a zero tolerance approach and will go toe to toe in any situation that there is a need.

She has never once waivered in her vision over the past 22+ years for BHRR and has kept BHRR being a highly reputable, responsible and quality filled rescue. No animal lacks for anything and corners are never cut and she has kept BHRR small, personable with having second to none success rates.

She creates miracles every day…..many have born witness to this. She has never shied away from the difficult, heart wrenching and financially demanding animals in need. Even knowing that her heart will be ripped to shreds again and again, Gwennie continues to find strength and heart to save the next in need of her.

These animals are treated like cherished family members and anyone that visits BHRR has seen firsthand how the dogs follow and look for Gwennie. People can see how they look at Gwennie, the trust, the mutual respect, the love that they have. It is a beautiful and humbling thing to witness as these animals learn to be dogs and blossom plus grow under her care.

Time and time again, Gwennie has worked magic and has successfully rehabbed dogs to either be placed up for adoption or kept safe in BHRR’s Haven Program. She has given life to so many, great life.

Gwennie does without to ensure that the animals get everything…the big joke is how Gwennie does not even own a winter coat or boots!

It would be lovely if we could come together as her village and community and donate some funds to help Gwennie continue the extremely important work that she does.

**Email Transfer or PayPal:**

Do also join us in wishing her a wonderful day as we celebrate her!

HAPPY Birthday Gwennie! 

Your Loving BHRR Family/Team

**$410 Donated To Date**

ISO: Human and/or Doggie Treatie Bakers!
Our 5th ANNUAL ‘Breaking Bills Bake Online’ Auction is coming up fast! Starts Saturday January 20th!
Last year we had 67 incredibly donated yummy items and $1,158 was raised to help Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson! ??
Monies raised in our 2018 extremely unique & 1-of-a-kind annual event shall be divided up between BHRR’s Booker(DDB Puppy with the back broken leg) & our FCE Puppy, The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg. ?
If anyone may consider donating an item or more of either a Canine and/or Human baked goodie – does not need to be made until after the fundraiser is over – so is fresh! – please do EMAIL
We only host five planned fundraisers a year and this is our first one of 2018.
Thank you deeply from our hearts if you may consider their worthy causes to support!
More details re: our amazing fundraiser can be found in this LINK.

As we head into New Years Eve, here is Sean’s end of year statement.

Sean is Co-Founder and a BHRR BOD Member of BHRR. This photo is of him and BHRR’s Daffodil from our traditional XMAS Even Photo shoot – December 24th, 2017! She remains Available For Adoption!

In Sean’s Words:

‘Here we are again – at the end of another year. Time to reflect on the great, the good, the bad and the ugly and set our sights on the year to come.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t specifically take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made a positive contribution to BHRR. I couldn’t possibly name everyone – but you certainly know who you are!

The contributions you’ve made through time and effort, vet bills, food, auction donations, cleaning supplies, transport, etc. is precisely what allows us to do what we do! We are a community – and stronger because of it. I offer my most heartfelt thank-you to all of you. I count our interactions with all of you as part of the highlight reel.

So many wonderful people have come into our lives.

Together we’ve done a lot of great things in 2017. There are so many BHRR dogs in forever loving homes, there have been successful events for awareness, education and fundraising. One of the most significant and recent successes for this year is The Bakers Dozen and demonstrates perfectly how everyone came together as strong links on the BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ when needed.

This was a huge outpouring of support!

It blows my mind to contemplate the amount of puppy formula that was donated and consumed! This would not have been achievable without the enormous outpouring of support given. Seriously – the amount of formula we went through would make several mortgage payments look like chump change!

And the ugly…… I’m not generally one to dwell on the negative – but I think it is important to acknowledge and address what I feel is a growing and unfortunate trend. Let’s address something that is very real yet seldom openly discussed.

A trend not just with us, but across the internet, business and personal interactions all around. Over the past several years, we’ve seen an increasing amount of destructive and abusive interactions.

This year we were subjected to a new low – as at least one person out there already knows – BHRR was subject to a malicious attack. In the end, we were proven/validated to be operating a stellar, highly responsible, excellent and much needed organization for the animals. As this was not based in fact or naive ignorance, they received a cautionary warning and we are now investigating possible further legal venues.

However, our initial response from the actions of this vindictive individual was a ‘Wow – never saw that one coming…’

We have hosted regular BHRR events here – 6 a year for over 2 decades – for people’s benefit and for the animal’s of BHRR.

We open up our home to the scrutiny of strangers and, we have done so gladly, and, openly for we have nothing to hide………..

We commit to giving up what could be very precious, valuable coveted family time for the sake of our guests. We feel it is so important for people to witness firsthand what we do and, why we do it and, that we are not like ‘every’ other group or org. out there…..

We have even had people from approved Volunteers, the curious, the interested, stay here overnight, for days and even weeks at a time.

We have always remained full of disclosure and have shared the ups, the downs, the good, the bad and the ugly with all of our followers, supporters, friends and family.

But to the individual responsible for a baseless complaint – thank you so much for putting our family on edge and under the microscope. I can’t tell you how much we appreciated the surprise and shock instead of an open dialogue with anyone who may have had questions or concerns.

So much better to lob a hand grenade from the bushes and run away. This doesn’t feel constructive, or motivated by the best interests of the animals – this feels very personal and malicious. We are very proud of what we’ve done with our lives – can you say the same?

While I’m also not prone to extolling our own efforts – we have dedicated almost 22 years of our life to the protection of animals, particularly the special needs dogs and the giant breeds – those least likely to be picked up by high turnover rescues. Animals others cannot or will not assist. 99% of those we help are the truly medical and/or behaviourally broken, We are small, personal and dedicated. We’re not trying to be dramatic when we say this – even those who know us have absolutely no idea the level of personal commitment and sacrifice this has taken from our family. The sheer amount of physical work, the hours night and day, the successes and the heartbreaks.

Responsible/quality rescue is 24/7. We do not ‘dabble’ in rescue, only do the ‘fun’ things, hang out, visit and then get to go home to relax and enjoy 9 hours of restful sleep. The stress, lack of sleep, financial drain and complete lack of freedom for something as simple as a family vacation – or even a movie or dinner night out is our lives day in and day out and we have done this gladly! The cyberbullying endured, the tens of thousands of pounds of food transported and stacked. Hydro bills – OVER $1,100/ month and enough laundry – up to 12 loads daily – to choke a laundry mat.

We’re not looking for the thanks, the praise, the accolades, or parades in our honor. We do this for the dogs, not the recognition or for any ‘pats on the back’.

At the same time, we have grown even less tolerant of the abuse, the hand grenades thrown from the sidelines, the armchair quarterbacks who find it so easy to second guess and criticize – to judge, without ever actually seeking to understand or becoming involved.

Cyberbullying is a very real problem and after much research and conversations held with cyberbullying experts, professors and lawyers, note that regardless of the occupation, paid or volunteer, everyone has the right to work in an environment free from personal threat, free from worry about emotional and/or physical harm and the right to not be bullied. This is punishable by law.

Social media is an amazing thing, it is also an awful thing that so many spanning across a vast amount of businesses, non-profits, other professional venues and personal arena’s have been enduring some level/form of bullying.

Those who want to blame, point fingers instead of learn and understand, shame on you. Those who want to take shortcuts and then foist their problems on us, shame on you. Those who want to be coddled and told they are doing everything properly when in fact they are the issue, not the animal, shame on you. Those who are turned down for an adoption and respond by spewing accusations, sour grapes and names, shame on you. Since our inception in 1996, we have retained a zero tolerance approach with the amount of nonsense, armchair quarterbacks and negativity endured.

Setting our sights on the year(s) to come – what’s next for Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services? Same wonderful people – same Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services – same strong rescue mission. Absolutely nothing will change 
overnight – we will continue to do what we have always done. We continue to help the next dog in need – we continue to place adoptable dogs into their right matched forever homes and we continue to provide a safe haven for those animals that need us.

Over the coming years – we will gradually transition to our long held vision of more of a haven program (which is already a large part of what we do). We will always focus on the giant breeds and canines/horses with special needs. These are the ones that need us – these are the ones we feel we can provide the greatest benefit to with our education, experience, knowledge and heart.

As of January 2018, one of our changes shall be to our adoption area’s covered – we will adopt up to an including the Barrie and Cambridge, Ontario area’s from our location and into Quebec, we will cover up to the Montreal area. We will still rescue all across the world.

Over the next year, will also be implementing an ‘Advisory Round Table Board’ of like-minded BHRR approved Volunteers in addition to our BHRR BOD Team.

We will be adding two more BHRR approved Volunteers to our Community Education Liaison Member Team too.

I look forward to working with all of our supporters in 2018 – let us do as many wonderful things this coming year together as we were able to accomplish in 2017!

BHRR Co-Founder
BHRR BOD Team Member’


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for 2 decades.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Friday December 22nd, 2018 to Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Thursday January 4th, 2018!

During this time, BHRR is always available 24/7 for requests for assistance of animals in need and we shall then network accordingly for as the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996, the welfare of the animals are our top priority. We do not wish to see any animal end up in a disreputable place of which sadly there are far too many out there. 

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

AND thank you to Xandria for surprising us so wonderfully wiith this fabu photo! 

BHRR shall be closed for the intake of adoption applications and shall not approve any adoptions from Monday October 23rd to Wednesday November 1st inclusive.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many other Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will network these requests to r/q organisations for we remain closed for intake. 

This photo is of BHRR’s Navy. 

Another picture of BHRR’s Big Ben at his special picnic play date. Apparently, this was how Sean & Mason saw him when they went to pick him up! Looks like he had a fabu day! 


While I have been at Alta Vista Animal Emergency with The Ladies, BHRR’s Big Ben had his own special picnic snack date on Saturday, the 12th.

This was Auction Date #14 and thank you to Sean & Mason for making sure he got to and from his date location.

Thank you to his special date for giving him a most wonderful day and for these sweet photo’s!

BHRR’s Rubble(special auction picnic play date #15) is today, the 13th.


Sunday July 9th @ Pet Valu Stittsville – Our 10th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser AND So Much More!
*No appointments necessary

2017 marks our 10th year of hosting this exciting event!

BHRR has been precedent setting in the community in seeing more cats & dogs microchipped to give them the best chance possible to get home should they be lost or stolen.

More information in link above and in poster!

Someone had a special overnight picnic play date!

BHRR’s Big Ben!

Our play dates are an integral part of our programs at BHRR. Extremely popular and so highly successful. We want to help each dog reach their full potential and be the best well rounded plus balanced dogs they can be and our approved Volunteers aid us immensely in achieving this goal. Thank you!

Thank you to this lovely home in giving him this wonderful experience! AND for the great photo’s.

Thank you also to Sean & Mason for dropping off and also picking BHRR’s Big Ben up as I was working.

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We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the THIRD instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

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THANK you to all that came out yesterday to attend our 5th Annual ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ Thank you Pooch/People Potluck!

Here are 13 of the dogs waiting for our almost 40 guests to arrive!

AND, here is part of the post I made in the Potluck Group to all of our attendees!

“Now that the horses and dogs have been fed plus watered and rotated and are settling down for the night….it gives me the proper opportunity to say thank you to our 35 absolutely amazing and incredible guests!

Thank you for the laughs, the conversation, the memories made, the food and the kindness of Secret Santa gifts for the BHRR dogs and to BHRR!

Thank you for the great experiences given to our BHRR dogs as so many have come to BHRR broken, beaten, scared and lost….what you give to them with loving touches and kind words, I shall truly be forever indebted to all for. So many have never had a gentle caring hand or heard a soft loving word prior to our rescue and each of you are showing them that not everyone is cruel and are assisting in building up their confidence plus helping them heal….

I am so grateful of your time and this is a gift that you are giving each BHRR dog when you visit. Thank you for that!

Thank you to Brooke and Elizabeth for their time, patience and sense of humour with spastic Baby BHRR’S Kaos as we attempted photo’s of him to make his own long awaited, much anticipated and truly wonderful special announcement!! You did it sweet precious boy!!!

Our 50/50 was $205 and Elizabeth with her beautiful heart donated her winnings back($102.50) for us to help pay off BHRR’s Maple’s Emergency Surgery bills! Thank you also to those who dropped monies into the donation jar – $50 CDA & $120 USA. Humbling….

Thank you to BHRR BOD Mary for being such a great treasurer!

After a tough week and a bit – so much worry & and stress on a couple of *fronts*, so, having today with all of you was really wonderful……just to be around all of you is comforting and inspirational and motivating… my darkest rescue moments, it is days like this I hold close to my heart and gives me the strength to fight again for what is right…….please know that you give me this special gift when you come to visit!

Thank you to everyone that made today the WOW & amazing day it was!

Until next year….may Santa spoil all rotten!”


We have made the decision that BHRR’s Big Ben is going to move to our BHRR Haven Program. We feel it is in his best interest.


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for 2 decades.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Friday December 16th, 2016 to Tuesday January 3rd, 2017 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Wednesday January 4th, 2017!

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

Gentle Reminder!

We are at Pet Valu Hazdeldean this Saturday November 26th from 10 AM – 4 PM for our last community education and public awareness event of 2016!

We are looking at bringing BHRR’s Kaos, BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Whisper for our famous Red Carpet Pooch Smooch Sessions!

We will be doing nails, ear cleanings and dog baths – ALL inside too!

More details in poster!



BHRR’s Baby Kaos is getting ready for Halloween! Not Yet Available For Adoption!

Remember to have safe Halloween practises for a happy Halloween for pets & kids!

NOTE: BHRR shall be closed for the intake of adoption applications and shall not approve adoptions from Monday the 24th of October to Tuesday November 1st inclusive.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.


BHRR’s Benjamin The Gentleman is ready to make his special announcement!


This grand man is now 6.5 years of age and is great with dogs, cats and kids! He is a Black and Tan Great Dane. Housebroken, great leash manners, travels wonderfully in a car, and has been an absolute delight to have with us. Easy going, charming and affectionate.

He is so cute as he gets so excited when the leash comes out and his butt bobs up and down as he works to control that sit & stay prior to the leash going on!

After a proper regime of exercise and diet, he has lost much needed weight and he has had all proactive and preventative vet care done. He has built up great muscle mass and tone and his cost is glossy with health now that he is in shape.

He is the first dog in our almost 21 years of operating that we took back – after being in this home 4 years and 7 months – due to a divorce. He is the 8th dog that we have now brought back to BHRR.

Sadly, his vet care was not kept upt and he was severely overweight. The home also allowed the two children that they eventually had to ride / treat him as a horse.

As thorough as any adoption process is…..nothing is perfect… 🙁

He has been through a lot in his life and we debated about keeping him as a Haven dog yet he is so highly adoptable and to a right matched forever loving home, he is going to be a gift….

He was my obedience champ in a rescue obedience competition years ago and I chose him to take into the ring as the home that had him prior to coming into rescue said he was not trainable.

He blew the obedience apart in that competition and we came top 5! If it were not for a playful boxer and BHRR’s Ben thinking that the boxer had to be BHRR’s Potter, I know we could have taken the competition! LOL The boxer looked at Ben and it was all play on! 😀

He is wonderfully obedient and active, fit and has been an incredible influence on BHRR’s Rubble! Almost magical to witness…He has calmed BHRR’s Rubble, softened BHRR’s Rubble’s *diamond in the rough* edge and they are best friends. He has given BHRR’s Rubble proper direction for his confidence and comfort level. Amazing! Thank you BHRR’s Benjamin for being you!

Love this boy!!!

Thank you Liz Bradley for the fabu pictures and to Grace for the extra hands at this photo shoot on September 15th. 🙂

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Today is BHRR’s Benjamin the Gentleman’s professional photo shoot and also BHRR’s Rubble!

Thank you again Gracie for the extra hands – you did so well working / handling BHRR’s Rubble, the powerhouse while I had BHRR’s Ben’s pictures taken. 🙂

Once their professional photo’s are in, they will both be ready to make their own special announcements. Should be within the week or so! 🙂

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*CORRECTION: Location Address is: 5919 PERTH STREET, Richmond, Ontario*

Our next microchip clinic is being hosted with Dr. Zak at Pet Valu Richmond on Saturday September 10th!

Dr. Zak has now been with us for 8 microchip clinics to date and this is #9!
*No appointments necessary
*We are inside so rain or shine!
*10 AM – 4 PM

Our accreditation per CVO requirements to host this microchip clinic shall also be posted.

We shall also be doing dog baths, ear cleanings, nails for cats & dogs and will have some merchandise for sale! Come meet some of the big dawgs of BHRR! More details in poster.

All monies raised shall go towards helping to pay off the bills for BHRR’s Dyson’s partial tail amputation that is scheduled for September 8th.

BHRR has been precedent setting/instrumental over the past almost 10 years with our Microchip Clinics in our efforts of having more dogs/cats hopefully find their way home should they become lost or stolen by being chipped.

IMG_1494 CVO_Temporary_Facility_Certificate (1)

BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin’s) Angels: $25 donated to date & Bills $206.90
*before paypal fees
*Jan in honour of BHRR’s L.T.’s 10th Birthday

UPDATE: heartworm and Lymes testing now back and is negative and sure enough, his T4 is normal so he has been overfed and not appropriately exercised 🙁

So much time is spent educating people on the proper weight for Danes/dogs in our adoption / temp foster info packages and the extra burden Big Ben’s joints and heart plus lungs have been having to take on because, of all of this excess weight is upsetting. 🙁

Over $200 has been spent and gladly so as we want all of our dogs proactively/preventatively vetted – to get Big Ben back on track with proper vetting yet it should never have been this way…..

This is BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin). His adoptive parents were getting divorced and after 4 years, 7 months to the day that he was adopted, Ben came back to us on August 5th. This is the first time we have taken a dog back due to a divorce in our almost 21 years of operating….. 🙁

Today, I had Big Ben at the Vet for he was overdue for vaccines, had not had any heartworm/Lymes testing done since 2014 nor was he on heartworm preventative since 2014 per the records we received.

He is also seriously overweight at 69.4 kgs(152.68 pounds) today at work.

I am running a T4 to rule out thyroid.

He had a thorough exam, bloodwork done for heartworm/Lymes testing plus thyroid, had revolution, a much needed nail trim – we will work on training those quicks back again – and we updated his vaccines. He will be proactively/preventatively de-wormed also.

He was such a good boy, always was…..

When we adopt our dogs out we try to be so thorough and detailed in the process. BHRR stands by all of our dogs and our contract states that if for any reason a home cannot keep their adoptive BHRR dog, they are to come back to BHRR.

We were sad to see this home get divorced, passed along how sorry we were and we were also sad to learn that prior to reaching out to us the home tried to place Big Ben on their own first, forgetting about their signed contract with us.

Additionally, in asking for a write up on Big Ben to post on his blog, we read that when the home had children, they were allowed to *ride* Ben as if he was a pony. His lips and ears were pulled and our adoption package clearly states that Danes are dogs, not equines. A true testament to Ben’s amazing temperament is that he never reacted negatively to this inappropriate handling.

Big Ben is now 6.5 years of age and as he settles in more, we will make the determination if we will place him up for adoption again or have him remain as a cherished member of our Haven program. He has gone through so much prior to his rescue to BHRR and now he is back after over 4.5 years….

I am sad in so many ways……


On Saturday July 23rd, I received a voice message to call one of BHRR’s Big Ben’s owners. It sounded serious.

In talking to the one O. I learned that sadly the home was getting divorced and that neither partner would be keeping BHRR’s Big Ben. I thank the O. for calling us as our signed contact states that if for any reason one of our dogs cannot be kept by an adoptive home, that they must come back to BHRR.

The O. did say that they had tried friends/family first prior to contacting us and apologized that they had forgotten this part of their



BHRR’s  BIG BEN(AKA Benjamin) was ADOPTED on January 5th, 2012!


BHRR's Benjamin's hv for his possible adoption is scheduled for this Thursday!

Below is a photo I took on December 24th of BHRR's Windsor and he just had to get his goofy face in too! 🙂 LOVE him! LOVE HIM! LOVE HIM!

December 24th, 2011

BHRR's Benjamin is moving to an under PENDING ADOPTION! YAY

AND on that note; if anyone is open and available to do a hv with myself at a mutually convenient scheduled day/time; please do email. The hv is located 5 hours one way from BHRR; so it would be a long day; but BHRR's Benjamin and I would provide loads of entertainment – I was voted 'best person to take on a trip' back in high school! :)- Thanks in advance for the consideration as always!!!

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.  Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing.

Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 17th, 2011 to Tuesday January 3rd, 2012 inclusive.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

BHRR's 4TH ANNUAL 'JUST IN TIME' FOR XMAS Online Auction shall begin Saturday November 19th @ 7 AM EST and shall run through until Thursday December 1st @ 9 PM EST.

If anyone has any items they would ike to donate inluding services, gift certificates or gift cards; please EMAIL. We will take donations right up until the day the auction shall end. BHRR only hosts three planned Fundraisers a year and every penny goes back to the animals!

We have many bills coming up for some very special animals including BHRR's Bloom and your support would be so appreciated!

Click on the poster for more information!

PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST and if you would like a poster to put up at your work, local businesses etc., please email us for one!


BHRRs Benjamin went on a roadtrip today with two of BHRR's approved Volunteers to assist in a homevisit for a possible future adoption of one of the GD's in our program.

From what has come my way; he once again BEYOND proved that he has manners and that he could be trained and he has now been dubbed 'Prince Benjamin' by one of the Volunteers. This boy makes my heart throb… he is so very dear to me.

AND per our obedience clase, any new adoptive home shall be required to bring him to a full round of obedience classes; regardless of how much training I have given him during his time at BHRR.

More than one person has pointed out since his arrival to BHRR how much he watches and keeps an eye on myself to know where I am at all times. He is happy to romp and play and yet 'checks in' often with myself. He is one that if I felt he needed me, we would have dearly loved to call one of our own. Yet, he does not need me any longer…he just thinks he does AND perhaps I think I do need him a bit still too! 😉 Perfectly normal…. 🙂

I remain patient that his right matched forever loving home shall come along and like all of our dogs, he shall only go to the one meant for him.

The boy was great with the humans, the two cats there and the 80 year old parrot during this hv. He allowed the parrot to peck at his muzzle without any concern or issue.

THANK you again to the two Volunteers who did this hv on my behalf as I still am unable to drive or be driven for yet another week.

Should all go well, BHRR's Benjamin shall be going to his temp foster home on Friday November 18th!

‘Spare a Loonie for Bloomy’

Hello Everyone!!

We are now launching the ''Spare a Loonie for Bloomy'' campaign, starting November 1st, 2011 (11-1-11) and running until December 1st, 2011 (12-1-11); We would like to encourage everyone to invite their family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. to donate $1.

Even if you think that $1 won't make a difference, one thousand loonies certainly will! You can drop off the money at DögHaus (5671 Sherbrooke West) in Bloom's piggy bank or donate directly to Bloom's file (100861) at by calling the DMV (514-633-8888).

OR you can donate via Paypal ( or by email transfer to (make sure you send the pw) or by mailing a bank draft out to 'Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabiltation Services(BHRR)' and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Many places have 'casual' Fridays and considering choosing BHRR's Bloom's cause for one of those office days!

Please share this message with everyone you know, we can use all the help we can get to reach our goal!

Let's make a change with change!!

**Keep in mind that it costs the DMV money every time they process a credit card transaction, and many companies enforce a $5 minimum rule.***

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels


Total Raised To Date: $965
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

On Sunday October 30th, 2011 – Global Pet Foods – Kanata (AND yes, that is BHRR's Lil Linus on the front page with his tongue! LOL) is hosting Photo Sessions for $10 as well as $10 nail trims and they so very kindly have chosen BHRR as their Animal Rescue of choice whereby 50% of the proceeds raised shall come to BHRR!

Nail trims are by appointment ONLY!

Please contact Global Pet Foods – Kanata directly (613) 599-0660 to reserve your nail spot!


Time: 11 AM – 3 PM
Place: Global Pet Foods – Kanata 700 Eagleson Road



From Friday October 21st to Friday November 4th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing.

We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need. 

It was just brought to my attention that BHRR's Benjamin could well be a purebred GD. He would be considered a 'black & tan pointed'.

Yet, his nose is something else with that smelling of his! 😀


Regardless of where he is or is not PB, he is all lovebug and adored! 🙂

BHRR's 4th ANNUAL Dinner Boat Cruise & Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser is being held on Saturday October 1st! We ONLY have 7 tickets left AND you can pay via PayPal (; email transfer to (please ensure that we have the pw) OR Bank Draft! The boat is reserved ONLY for BHRR participants and their guests.

BHRR is still looking for items for our Live & Silent Auction for this Fundraiser. BHRR ONLY hosts 3 planned Fundraisers a year and this is our second fundraiser event for 2011.

BHRR does not receive any corporate or federal/provincial government funding.

If you have any items that you would like to donate to BHRR; pleae email! THANKS so much!!!!!


Adoption Application Revisions

As of September 1st, 2011; the Board of Directors will be implementing some revisions to our BHRR adoption process. These changes involve age of children in homes for a possible BHRR adoption and the expansion of our adoption area to now include parts of New York, USA.

Revision #1:

As of September 1st, 2011; BHRR shall consider adoption applications to NOT only the whole provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada yet shall also consider homes in the state of New York, USA that are no more than 3 hours from BHRR. These areas in New York, USA shall include those listed below and all immediate surrounding areas AS long as the potential adoptive home is no more than 3 hours from the physical locale of BHRR in Eastern Ontario, CDA:
Alexandria Bay

Revision #2:

WE DO NOT place any dog with a family with children under the age of 8 unless the below additional conditions/requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the BOD of BHRR. Only then shall the BOD of BHRR consider those homes that have children younger than the age of 8 yet they must be over the age of 5:
a) ONLY homes that have no more than 2 children shall be considered if said children are under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
b) ONLY dogs that BHRR deem most suitable for homes with children within these ages shall be considered
c) ONLY homes that have prior suitable breed type experience ie Great Danes for a Great Dane possible adoption or a Saint Bernard for a Saint Bernard possible adoption shall be considered
d) ONLY homes that have no more than one dog already and that dog must be a right matched personality fit; shall be considered should any children be under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
e) ONLY homes that have all family members in attendance for the home visit and only those same homes that have all family members come to BHRR to meet us shall be considered
BHRR stresses that children and dogs should NEVER be left unsupervised together!
*This is a legal, insurance and moral obligation/responsibility that we will adhere to.

For complete details regarding the BHRR adoption process; please visit our Application & Fees page. BHRR shall continue to ONLY place per best matched personality fit and our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and as we are heading into our 16th year; our adopton success rates are 99%.

BHRR's Benjamin attended our 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 17th, 2011. This boy continues to just make me sooooooooooooo proud of him and all that he has accomplished in his short life!!!! He was quite mindful of his 'handler' for that day; one of our BHRR Volunteers. 🙂 I adore this boy!!!! AS did so many others.

He also attended Day 1 of the TAKE THE PLUNGE EVENT on July 23rd, 2011 AND when the organizers of this event issued a 'Rescue Challenge', I KNEW who I would be bringing. Originally, BHRR's Benjamin was to come with me on the 2nd day, the 24th yet with the Challenge happening on the 23rd, I changed things up slightly. I was determined to bring a Giant that had been bounced around in so many homes before the age of 1, lacked training and in just one week with BHRR; he knew his name, sit, lay down etc. I wanted the WORLD to see just what I saw in him re: potential in photos, from the very first moment I knew about him, long before he ever came to BHRR.

This Dane ROCKS! ROCKS! ROCKS! I knew that we had a good chance of winning and this was a big 'test' for him, distraction under major circumstances! 🙂 I also knew that he most likely would be the biggest in the ring and that for him to 'sit' in the musical/sit and stay Rescue Challenge would take him a few more seconds than smaller dogs to process BUT I could not have imagined partnering up with a better team mate for this competition. AND I knew this boy would be so much fun in the ring!!! He would make me smile with his antics and would provide the spectators with some great moments! This boy is so goofy yet so smart, not a mean bone in his body, affectionate, eager to please and I was so honoured to have him as my partner!!! AND for those that have been 'passing' over him as he is a GDX, truly, it is my gain!!!! For while we wait patiently for his right matched forever loving home to come along, I get to be the one to hug, cuddle, kiss him and be blessed by his amazing temperament and those eyes….and he is one GORGEOUS looking boy, nicely porpotioned and I am content to keep remaining patient. This boy is going to make me well up something fierce when it is his time yet I also know that the home that gets him is going to be as super specially wonderful as him FOR he will go to nothing less of a home than what he is so deserving off just as with any of our BHRR animals. 🙂

AND as for the competition, a slideshow below has been put together – photos courtesty of B. Element. We practised before ring time and the focus in one of those photos just catches my breath. HE was 'all on me' and for those who met this boy when he first came in to now, will attest to how far he has come and what an amazing dog he is!!

There were 15+ competitors and BHRR's Benjamim and I were the sole BHRR representatives(all dogs competing had to be in a current Rescue program) and the smallest dog was a CHI about 10 pounds and BHRR's Benjamin was the biggest at just under 150 pounds. 🙂

HE made in the top 5 and I did well up inside for this boy was impressive!!!! He became distracted by a Boxer who wanted to play and well, BHRR's Benjamin lives with a Boxer(BHRR's Potter) AND who would not want to play with such a nice breed! 😉 I worked on getting the focus back on me, yet the music stopped before I had 'him' completely back to me and we were the last to sit. THIS was such a fun competition, one that showcased many Rescues and many breeds of dogs out there in need of loving forever homes.

MOST of all, BHRR's Benjamin and I had a BLAST!!! It was $2 to enter per dog and the winning Rescue took the pot. HOW great was that!!!!

People that attended the Take The Plunge Event that visited our booth/tent could not believe that we had not 1, not 2 YET 3 very well behaved Giants there that day. AND on the 24th, I brought 2 Giants.

AND to show what a ham this boy really can be; I am posting a picture below from when I came home from being out one night with some friends back in June! I think he likes Bleach's couch!!! 😀


June 2011 & July 23rd, 2011 – Take The Plunge @ the R/C Raceway – *photo courtesy of B. Element

JUST two SLEEPIES until the 4th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held at Kanata Animal Hospital – 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario on Sunday July 17th, 2011

Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM


There will also be Pet Photos, Caricatures, Face Painting, Free Draws, Human Bake Table, Doggie Treats, Leashes, Collars, BHRR Bracelets, Tug Ropes and more!

Microchips$40 – For Cats & Dogs
Nail Trims$10 – For Cats, Dogs, Guinea Pigs & Rabbits

The Rogers Community Cruiser shall be on hand from 10:00 AM – Noon with free timbits & coffee

Complimentary Behavoural/Training Consult Sessions to be had with the Founder of BHRR & Animal Behavoural Student G. Boers

The microchips are from 24PetWatch and they meet the requirements of the revised Canadian standard for electronic identification of companion animals. These microchips are also accepted by the CKC. Animal microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are typically implanted just beneath the skin between the shoulder blades.

Every year millions of lost and abandoned animals are taken in by shelters, pounds, humane societies, SPCA's and rescue organizations. Of these animals only about 15% of dogs and 5% of the cats (estimated numbers) are ever returned to their homes. The primary reason that the statistics are so low is, because the pets are unidentifiable. Microchipping provides the only truly permanent method of identifying your pet(dogs and cats-especially outdoor one's!) and networking the animal back to their owners. If you want to improve your cat or dog's chances of getting home; microchipping is your best option.

Out of 20 dogs gone missing in our area, only 7 have been found to date; of which 4 were microchipped.

This is the largest Mircochip Fundraiser in CANADA!

After some more discussion with this one temp foster home, we are going to place BHRR's Apollo with them instead of BHRR's Benjamin. For a variety of reasons, including that BHRR's Apollo has had more training as he has been here at BHRR longer plus he no longer requires a crate.

We both believe that the age plus energy level of BHRR's Benjamin would be a better fit for their curent Dane in some ways yet with BHRR's Ava Marie having been adopted, BHRR's Apollo has been a bit lonely(I KNOW! Hard to believe at BHRR) and he is just now starting to become super fast friends with BHRR's Holden. Perhaps, while he will be providing amazing company and exercise to their current Dane; in turn, perhaps; she might make his step become a bit lighter again AND for sure; she is going to exercise him in turn.

AND BHRR's Apollo is much more settled with cats than BHRR's Benjamin. He is good with them yet can still be a bit curious.

BHRR's Apollo has been up for adoption longer and moving to a bigger place will give him more exposure to the public as well. 😉 We know that right matched home is out there for him….they just have not found him yet. 🙂

BHRR's Benjamin has many fast friends here and has not been going through an adjustment with one of his beds buds having been adopted and we are going to see how it works out. BHRR's Apollo shall go to his temp foster home on Friday July 15th! 🙂



UPDATE: At this time, BHRR's Hailey is still at BHRR and has not yet gone to the temp foster home. The same goes for BHRR's Benjamin. This greatly hinders us in our plans to have brought in BHRR's Barbed Wire at the end of June from KY, USA yet circumstances are what they are and it is what it is!

BHRR wants to stress the following:

All of our adoption mandates, processes plus policies are clearly posted on both our PetFinder and Home Website. Additionally, our application is very detailed in respect to the same and each animals' blog on both PetFinder and on our Home Website; advises to become familar with our adoption criteria, before submitting an application to be reviewed.

If for any reason you do not agree to what BHRR requires of a BHRR adoptive home; pleae do not apply. This includes not being in support of our non-refundable application fee, our mandatory obedience clause, requiring a signed letter of permission from a landperson if renting,  no adoptions to homes with children under the age of 9, that we are a Special Needs focused based Rescue, that you refuse to keep pets safe, refuse to alter any non-show pets etc.

BHRR's requirements are written very specifically and are explicit in detail for anyone visiting our sites. We are always most happy to answer any questions, yet will only do so to those that are courteous in their manner plus approach.

BHRR is a highly reputable/quality registered NPO operated by an ALL Volunteer team, without any salaried employees and many of us have families plus full time Careers and other commitments outside of Rescue. I am deeply disturbed by what members of the BOD of BHRR had to address recently over an application that was submitted for review.  I feel for those BHRR members that took on the responsibility to continue to try and educate and be professional when this application was declined. Here I was sitting in emerg waiting to address clearly broken bones and am most unappreciative to witness what was sent BHRR's way after this application was declined in a professional manner with much explanation as to the reasons why their application could not proceed.

If they had just read and respected what was clearly posted, they would be well aware that we are not going to make ANY EXCEPTIONS on very important clauses, clauses that has given BHRR a second to none adoption success rate of 100% in over 10 years of operating and now is 99% as we are in our 15+ year.

In addition, your occupation as what has been stated before, is no indication that you are going to take proper care of an animal. BHRR's Lexi and BHRR's Hailey both came from a very bad domestic abuse situation where they were sorely mistreated and the one Owner is a promimant member of his own community. Abuse is not limited to specific Careers, race, colour or creed. It knows no boundaries. 🙁

You might believe you are a wonderful home yet the application process is our way of getting to know you and to determine if your home would qualify for a BHRR animal. All members of BHRR are part of our extended family and we are always seeking to have new approved Volunteers and Homes join us!

Please refer to:


In summary; PLEASE DO NOT apply to be considered if you do not meet these very detailed and visible mandates plus clauses and respect them.

Rescue is hard enough in trying to save animals in need and their wellbeing remains one of our top priorities.



LAST Gentle Reminder: The FACEBOOK BHRR Discussion Group has MOVED to! –


This is just a last gentle reminder that our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Group has moved!


With the 'upgrade' and 'archiving' of the current discussion groups on Facebook, we believe that the needs of our Rescue & Rehab organization cannot sufficiently be met any longer and hence the change to a BHRR FAN PAGE Format.

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP had all members deleted and then the group was permanently disabled and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account! We already have had some good discussions with insightful comments happening!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other reputable/quality organizations/groups, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE –

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! 🙁 is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 226 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! 🙂

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!

The BHRR Team

I took BHRR's Benjamin to todays' GD & Honorary GD Walk/Hike and WOW! GREAT job bud! He was most curious about the two Doxies there yet was most respectful!!!! This was his first BIG huge social test offleash with strangers and dogs other than our own and WOW again! He recalled quite well, was extremely friendly, social and treat plus praise motivated. Lots of compliments on his temperament, obedience and how handsome he is. 🙂 Two pictures below from today. If you are interested in joining our over 100+ member distribution list for these walks/hikes, please email to be placed on our member list.

We have been hosting them for over 15+ years and we are all very responsible/accountable dog owners! Locales are switched up with each walk/hike and out next one is planned for Sunday June 24th!

BHRR's Benjamin has proven that with the proper integration; his 'play' drive is just fine with cats and very small dogs. He has also discovered that he likes to splash in the water!!! With enough time, he is going to figure out that swimming part. 😀 He is going to make a home out there one day very blessed!

BHRR's Benjamin – Limerick Forest June 5th, 2011

Since we have launched our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE , (see below blog); BHRR is going to be implementing some changes to our blog posts currently being made on here, our home website. With how wonderfully interactive plus informatively laid out our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE is, we shall no longer be doing as many posts on the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services home website blogs yet instead posting on our BHRR FAN PAGE almost exclusively! Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other organizations, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 132 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!



BHRR's Benjamin weighed 65.5 KGs(144.10) pounds tonight at his annual!! YAY!

WHAT a huge hit he was and such a gentleman!!! He did not pull on the leash, sat and layed down upon request and was quiet as a mouse when he had to stay in one of the runs!

The compliments on this boy has been AWESOME from all that met him today!!! The Vet also thought his coat was so nice and shiny plus how great his body condition was. 🙂

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted.

Since the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) 'Like' FAN PAGE format instead.

The current DISCUSSION groups are going to be archived & even for those that qualify to 'upgrade', groups shall lose the ability to 'interact' with all members. We depend on that important function to save animals in need through our posts for urgent requests and to update our supporting members on BHRR news.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR 'LIKE' FAN PAGE FORMAT and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 96 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!


BHRR's Benjamin's annual has been scheduled for May 11th. Looking forward in seeing how much he now weighs and to have him hang out with the staff at KAH!

Oh, Mr. BHRR's Benjamin proved this AM (around 5:30 AM in fact) that he truly thinks that all should be his friend….sigh…LOL

Somehow a porcupine got into our 2+ acre fenced in yard and instead of being most respectful LIKE all the other dogs and heed the call to come back, oh no…..BHRR's Benjamin(just like BHRR's Boba and BHRR's Parker would have done) decided that he just has to go and greet who he perceived for sure is going to be a great new best bud. From there, our amost 7 year old very maternal Cherokee, 'saved' him and took the 'hit' herself. AND through it all, I could almost feel BHRR's Benjamin's sadness that 'he' missed out and was not the one to get to actually greet the newcomer to the BHRR property!!!

Sean and I were able to take about 30+ quills ourselves and I took her in to sedate to remove the final few – about 10 – that just were not possible or safe to remove without sedation. She still had two in her mouth and some deeply imbedded in her nose and muzzle and lower lip. She then was able to hang out all day up at reception at KAH, pouting and sleeping it off.

BHRR's Benjamin has NO clue that this could have been 'him' and that our Cherokee literally saved him a very painful experience. It was almost like a light switch going from 'must make a new friend to play with' to 'hey, time for breakfast…must get back to the house!' What a goob!!!!

Never a dull moment with BHRR's Benjamin and we continue to work on that obedience recall of his! I do not think he has the 'emergency recall' or 'emergency stop' down so pat right now! cheeky HOWEVER; MAN! talk about being proud of all the other dogs and yes, even Cherokee for she is gently protective of her pack and stepped in to assist. As one of the three acting 'leader females' here at this time, she took her role very seriously.

So, not exactly a day that was planned for but all worked out well in the end. Now, to hope to NOT see that porcupine again….. 😉

Here are the May availability dates/times for play dates, day trips and play trips for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider.

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!

Monday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 4th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 10th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 11th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 13th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 14th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday May 16th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 17th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 20th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 21st – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday May 24th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 25th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM

BHRR's Benjamin is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! We now wait patiently for his right matched forever loving home to come along! 🙂

Oh, BHRR's Benjamin. What to say about such a happy goober monkey! 😀 I decided to hold off placing him up for adoption before we left on my first ever vacation in almost 6 years to see how he fared with the BHRR Volunteer who stayed here during our absence. He was very close to being placed up for adoption and I just wanted to see how things went.

Upon returning, it was clear that he needed some more 'Gwennie's Doggie Boot Camp' re: obedience for he was somewhat back to not wanting to listen when asked to do something the first or second time! LOL So, he and I have had some really good training sessions upon my return and he is almost back to where he was before I left. This has reinforced to me that he shall only be adopted to a very experienced dog home. BHRR's Benjamin is NOT for a first time dog owner. There is not a mean bone in his body yet he is high maintenance with his energy level and needs including having someone to ensure that he is corrected positively plus patiently each and every time he decides he would rather do things 'Benjamin's way' today instead of Gwennie's way! cheeky

He shall have to go to a home that has at least one other dog that has an endurance plus energy level similar to himself for only having walks/hikes and networking with the dogs in his community is not going to be enough for this young man. Maybe, when he is 5 but now now! LOL

He is less likely to 'rock' the inside of the house in play as he gets enough training plus exercise daily here. He has his moments and can be heard first, then seen, smashing & crashing with Sir Maestro and Bleach…sigh…goobers! 😀

He is so young at heart and in spirit and just cramming so much into each day of living. He is not meant for a home with a couch potato that is for sure!

I also noted upon my return that he has some 'excitement' tendencies and will want to push and mouth at the other dogs in his expression of how excited he is. So, he continues to sit before everything – before leash on or off, before being fed, before going into the car etc. Self-control exercises that help make his mind think and not just react. Continued training will keep him focused in the right direction.

The one other thing I experienced after coming back from vacation was that Benjamin was no longer as gentle in the taking of treats, so some major work has been done in that area and he is now back to be the 'lamb' and not the 'cookie monster' when offered treats!

In the 'nail trimming' awards though, I would say that BHRR's Benjamin is still top of that list, if not #1. GO BEN GO! He would be rivaling BHRR's Albert for that honour at this time.

When watching Westminster earlier this year; I saw the Plott Hound gaiting in the ring and I looked at Sean and said 'OMG! That is so similar to the colour of Benjamin's legs!' LOL So, upon doing more research, the markings on BHRR's Benjamin's legs and around his muzzle/neck can be considered very similar to a Saddleback Plott Hound. Truly, as mentioned previously, it is of no matter AND he is one gorgeous dog; whatever his genetic breed make-up is!!!! I just thought it was an interesting aside.

His best friends remain our Sir Maestro(now 8 months) and Bleach(now 6 months). The three of them are like the mischief making muskateers making BHRR's Dana so proud with her corruption of all! LOL

In conclusion, BHRR's Benjamin should be ready for adoption within the next week or so. That depends on him. ;) As always, no rush. This also gives me more time with him…..AND I wuvs him tons!

Here are the April availability dates for play dates, day trips and play dates for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider. BHRR's Lily Belle is not on this list as she is currently under a "PENDING ADOPTION" and we should know by end of Monday April 4th, that status of her application. Thanks everyone for your continued patience!


Friday April 1st – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday April 2nd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday April 6th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Monday April 11th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 13th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 15th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 18th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 20th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 25th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 27th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 29th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!



Thank you to all that helped raise much needed monies for both of our Rescues!



Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DiD) have come together to host this 2011 High Bid "War" to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row C and are fantabulous seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.


The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY hig' Bid 'War' began on Wednesday March 23rd @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Tuesday March 29th @ 9:00 PM EST.

Tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To bid on the Sens vs. Leafs tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, and please indicate your bid amount.

Bidding shall start at $100 and the website shall be updated regularly.

Note: Payment for the winning bidder must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept a payment of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DiD) shall NOT be accepting any payment for these Hockey bid tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payment made direct to DiD shall be considered a donation and not as payment for these Hockey tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept any PayPal payment per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will make arrangements to get your winning tickets to you ASAP.

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DiD continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!

  • The BHRR Auction will begin at 8:00 AM EST on Wednesday March 23rd, 2011. Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.
  • The BHRR Auction will end at 9:00 PM EST on Tuesday March 29nd, 2011. The highest bid on these tickets will be determined based on the time of the email sent as recorded by the time marked by our ISP.
  • High bidders will be identified each day ONLY by their first name and last initial.
  • All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
  • Bids must be done in $5.00 or Greater increments.
  • When bidding please include your first and last name plus a phone number that you can be reached at if necessary.
  • All Bidders must be at LEAST 18 years of age or older.
  • All bids are considered final and binding, please do not bid if you do not intend to follow through on payment. Also, please do not bid on behalf of anyone else without their explicit written permission. The owner of the email will be considered the bidder and responsible/accountable for the bid/payment should their email be the winning bidder.
  • High Bidder will be posted every day of the BHRR Auction and on the final Auction day; the bids shall be updated with postings made regularly until the BHRR Auction closes.
  • If you wish to leave a "maximum" bid as you will not be around to monitor the auction closely yourself, please indicate that in your email when making your bid. Only emailed bids will be accepted.
  • FULL payment is required within 24 hours of being notified of being the winner.
  • Should you be in default of not honouring your bid(which really affects the animals the most), the next person with the highest bid shall be offered the Tickets as the winner.
  • There are NO Returns or Exchanges and BHRR is not responsible for the condition of the Hockey Tickets upon receipt to the winner(s).

About Taxes: You are not actually buying these tickets in this online auction. What you are doing is making a donation and then receiving the item in turn as a thank you. All taxes have been paid on the items you are bidding on.


The BHRR & DiD Teams

The ‘BHRR’ Experience – One Volunteers Blog

Below is a note that the approved BHRR Volunteer wrote on her fb wall about her BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' in taking care of BHRR/our home while I had my first family vacation in almost 6 years. With her permission, it has been posted below. As I say so often to others plus posted this as a response to her fb wall post:

"AND I would love to 'share' your note with others interested in BHRR – either by adopting, volunteering, learning more about our stellar programs etc. – with your permission. I could never say any words better than what those themselves that are involved could say about the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE'. It is all of you that are the 'voice' making that 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' so strong…"


Day 12 – Novice in Rescue , My Adventure at BHRR – Home coming for all

by Suzanne Desjardins on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 9:13pm


Is there ever anything sweeter than being home ???? I am very certain Gwen,Sean and kids feel the same…I have made some personal journeys in life but this is one for the bucket list 4sure …

I  will never think of rescue in another way except wow, the work involved is just staggering ….and i wasn't even training or rehabbing…..just reinforcing.  BUT the REWARDS are PRICELESS………

If anyone reading this note or my prior notes wonders how they too could be involved…DONATE DONATE DONATE…The amount of food that i fed over the 12 days was mind boggling …FOOD is life for this small respectable,reputable ONE OF A KIND rescue ….so the next time time you are in the pet store or grocery store , buy a bag and and let Gwen know you have food……..Towels, sheets, comforters, pinesol, treats, ALL very much needed …………..

I had tears in my eyes as I left today… there are several that I loved prior to this, and they have cemeted themselves in my heart forever…Potter, Soul and Albert, his trust in me was moving….Bleach is AMAZING for a deaf/blind puppy ….the way he motors around is nothin short of WOW………

 Gwen…. I thank you …………


'HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS' HOCKEY RAFFLE – ONLY 350 Tickets available – *ENDS Wednesday @ 9:00 PM EST

*CONGRATULATIONS TO D. Harbin of Ottawa, ON & to all in participating to raise funds for GD Rescue!*

Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DID) have come together to host this 2011 Hockey Raffle to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row O and are excellent seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.

Furthermore, a Parking Voucher for free regular parking is included for the winner's added bonus!

Furthermore, Linda @ PJ Quigley's located @ 250 Greenbank Road donated a pre-game dinner for 2 (up to $25) to the winner!


We shall ONLY be selling 350 tickets and they are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00.

The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY RAFFLE’ ticket sales began on Monday February 21st @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Wednesday March 9th @ 9:00 PM EST.

The draw shall take place on Thursday March 10th @ 8:00 AM EST and the tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To purchase your raffle tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, number of tickets you would like to buy and please indicate your method of payment.

Note: All payments for raffle tickets must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept payments of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DID) shall NOT be accepting any payments for these Hockey raffle tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payments made direct to DID shall be considered a donation and not as payment for Hockey raffle tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept PayPal payments per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


Note: Odds of winning are based upon total number of raffle tickets sold.

After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will email a copy of your raffle ticket(s) in a pdf format with your individual raffle tracking ticket number(s).

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DID continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!



The BHRR & DID Teams

BHRR mourns the February 18th, 2011 loss of a treasured friend to many – Victim to Bloat/Tort.
Trice, beloved best friend of BHRR Board of Director member Barry.
As per Barry's wishes, Trice has been laid to eternal rest at BHRR, missed by all.
May all those that have been touched by Trice, cherish the incredible gifts that he has bestowed upon them.

Though Barry has requested that any donations in honour of Trice's memory be sent to BHRR; I would like to respectfully ask of each and every person that has had the special pleasure of being blessed to be touched by Trice; to share a photo and/or memory Barry's way. AND to please pass along your support of heart plus caring.

This was not the week it should have been for either one of them when they travelled up from the east coast earier that day. Trice was to come to BHRR for training/tweaking and the week was to be full of fun GD/Human hikes/walks, good training sessions, fantastic play dates, lots of laughter and tons of great memories with friends to warm the heart plus soul. 

I am blessed myself to have been called and upon directing all to meet me at AVAH; to have had the 'gift' of opportunity to pass along my good-byes and tears of heart ache on the night of his passing. This is a dog that I very much adored, has made me a better behavoural expert/trainer plus person and he has touched me very deeply since he plus Barry first crossed my path many years ago. To say that I love the 'Trices' of the world is putting it lightly. I live with a "Trice", I understand/accept the 'Trices' of the world and I feel truly fortunate to have had my life touched by this special Trice!

His loss has affected so many and I know that CH. Dyceman is completely crushed not to have had the opportunity and experiences that should have been theirs during the week that Trice was to be at BHRR. Trice was truly Dyce's best of friends and it has been a week of deep mourning for all……

A portrait of Trice by Barclay Guinn Fine Arts (an example of Barclay's work that had been shown at our 2009 BHRR Boat Cruise Fundraiser)
& BHRR's Kingston with Trice – August 28th, 2009(one of my fav pictures).

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Big Ben AKA BHRR's Benjamin from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Benjamin & BHRR's Hailey with BHRR's Benjamin

I have had not one, not two but THREE people email me to 'make' a deal! LOL AND that deal is that they will purchase tickets to our currently running BHRR/DiD Hockey Raffle Fundraiser in exchange for me posting new pictures of the dogs! Let me think about this…..UHMMMM! OK! YOU are on!!! Let the picture posting and raffle tickets sales go on! 😀

Perhaps, it might make others consider participating such that we can raise much needed funds NOT just for BHRR yet also for another Ontario GD Rescue – DiD(the oldest operating GD Rescue in Ontario at that!). Each penny that is raised is so desperately needed by both of our organizations and please, please, please do consider participating. Even if you are not  a Hockey Fan or would be able to attend the game on April 2nd yourself, purchasing a raffle ticket or two or three; MAKES a great gift for another!

These are fantastic tickets – 100 L, a Parking Voucher is included PLUS a very generous $25 pre-dinner for 2 at P.J's Quigley's on Greenbank in Ontario has been donated by Linda Price. We shall be selling Raffle Tickets until March 9th, 2011 @ 9:00 PM EST.



BHRR's Big Ben weighed 59.3 KGs(130.46 pounds) today. The Vet feels that he is also putting on the weight very nicely. He has been an absolute ROCKSTAR here at KAH. He was a bit worried in getting into the car as the last car ride was when he was handed over to myself yet he settled down well.

He is a great car traveller! AND I will so have to try and get a picture BUT he is walking on a loose lead with just his flat buckle collar! ONLY here one week and he sits, lay downs and walks so beautifully!!!

I have taken him up from the back run several times and each time he relaxed more and WHAT a social butterfly!!! He wants to greet every person and figured out how to open one of the exam room doors! HOLY! Smart boy. He has also just loved every cat and dog he has met.

The Vet feels that his frostbite is healing well and his seborrhea is also doing much better. You can see how shiny his coat is becoming as he sheds all the dead hair/skin. He does have one area on his muzzle that is still frostbitten and no one is really sure if the hair shall even grow back. Only time shall tell.

It is believed that his limping was from his frostbite and the pads of his feet are still peeling, the poor thing. He lays down, sits very square/even plus upon manipulation, his ROM and flexibility was great. He was happy, no signs of pain and just ate the liver treats I was feeding him while the Vet pulled and pushed and prodded. The Vet was very impressed with his teeth and his heart, lungs, eyes, ears are normal! He does have some slight hygromas, more on the right elbow than the left but that will resolve now that he is sleeping on soft bedding. Great check-up!!!

I took some pictures of him laying down eating a donated antler from Luanne of Rusty Dawg Products and will post them later.

Have I mentioned lately how GLORIOUS I think this boy is!!!! 🙂 AND I am so excited to report that I got my first kiss from BHRR's Big Ben today! All the gals at the Hospital went 'awwwwwww' and it sure was an 'awwwwww…….sigh' moment indeed! 🙂

AND I have to be totally honest that this boy is certainly grabbing hard at my heart.

I have scheduled BHRR's Big Ben to come into work with me tomorrow for a check-up and to see what the Vet thinks of his hind end, especially the left knee/hip.  Perhaps, it is just the frost bite healing on his feet/pads but I want to ensure that he has his Vet sign-off before he goes up for adoption. This shall not happen for some time yet but we want/require all of our dogs to have a Vet check-up before any animal is placed up for adoption. I will also scan him for a microchip at that time.

His frost bite is healing great though and he is doing awesome! Much more to update in pictures and notes soon.


In honor of Gwennie, the Founder of BHRR, wishing her a most wonderful and special of birthdays today – February 3rd, 2011

If you believe in BHRR; enjoy all the blog updates, pictures, open houses, GD hikes, Gwennie novel posts, her educational articles plus links; please make a donation in support of her rescue efforts. This fundraiser shall run through until 11:59 PM today – Thursday February 3rd, 2011

This blog post was made without Gwennie's awareness, so imagine her surprise when she sees this later today!

You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about always worrying about money to save those in need of the programs she has worked so hard for. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about coming up with funds for food and other essentials for the animals. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about the mounting bills for BHRR. Together let's make that BHRR 'chain of success' for Gwennie even more strong today!

Email transfer to, PayPal (account or even call Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and make a donation on to the Birch Haven Rescue account with your Visa, Mastercard or Amex. A receipt will be mailed to your attention. As Gwennie states so often, there is no amount too small.

I recently asked Gwennie what she wanted for her birthday and not once did she mention anything for herself. Always her family, friends or animals. Help us make a birthday very special today for Gwennie by making a donation to BHRR.

Total Raised to Date$385 & 14 Days of Dog Food & New Logo for Behavoural/Training/Gwennie's Dog Boot Camp Programs
*PayPal took $1.03 in fees

Gwennie's BHRR Believers & Supporters:

Mason*donated his bi-weekly allowance
Kinsley*donated her bi-weekly allowance
Alex & Karen
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – 10 Days of Dog Food
Simone – On BHRR's Potter Bills @ Kanata Animal Hospital
Lisa – 13 KG bag of Natural Balance Dog Food
James – Bag of Dog Food
Jan & Her Boyz
Luanne of Rusty Dawg Pet Products

Today was 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day at BHRR on our almost 148 acres after receiving 20 cm of snow and 10 more cm on the way! Below are two pictures! I will post all the individual pictures on the dog's own blogs ASAP. I was out with them myself on three different occasions for about an hour each time. WHAT a blast of a day! Now, that nighttime has come, the temperatures are dropping and the snow is turning more to ice pellets. Time for some nice warmth in front of the fireplaces and snuggles!

BHRR's 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day! – February 2nd, 2011 – Name the dogs? LOL

Tuesday's adventures brought BHRR's Big Ben learning to solidify a 'sit'! YAY! Of course, a tiny bit of vanilla ice cream has greatly assisted in this area plus he is now associating that 'Gwennie' is interesting and carries good things with her and is wanting to listen more and stay close. He is eating and drinking well and we just came in from being outside for almost an hour walking and playing in our almost 2+ acre fenced in yard.

He also has the 'perfect' sad/cute face in thinking that if he 'uses' it, he will be allowed on the master bed. Picture of his face is in his slideshow #6. All rewards are earned here and all dogs are very well rewarded for appropriate demonstrations of behavour and BHRR's Big Ben is well on his way to earn that 'privilege', yet he is not quite there. We do not desire to be creating any SA type of behavours.

Today was the first day, I left him all alone for three hours while I attend an appointment for my eyes. HE did superb. Went right into his crate, took the yummy treat and settled down. He was very happy to see me when I arrived home and I passively ignored him and let some of the other dogs out first and then came back to let him out.

I also took a height and BHRR's Big Ben is 34" at the whithers with another year of growing 'up' to do and then one more year after that filling out.

He is doing great and it is felt that perhaps the frost -bite is causing him some distress more on the one back leg than the other. However; I shall be bringing him with me when I work on Saturday to have the Vet exam him plus to get a current weight on him.

Though, he has a ways to go in the obedience, physical plus mental rehab areas; I already know that he would fit in any number of homes; he is just that versatile and 'accepting'. FT, PT, Semi-Retired, Retired and will excel in being a therapy dog or in obedience. Someone that is going to remain committed to his continued growth in a positive reinforcement manner.

I have added many  new pictures to his slideshow from today and am also putting two below.

His newest close play buds are BHRR's Shiva & BHRR's Apollo AND he so badly wants to be Multi CH. TAIN's close friend yet TAIN is a loyal best bud to Multi CH. Bronson first and foremost. 😉

Have I mentioned yet that I think this boy is simply GLORIOUS! 😀

BHRR's Big Ben & with Multi CH. TAIN, Multi CH. Bronson & Sir Maestro in BHRR's 2+ acre fenced in play yard – February 1st, 2011

Monday's adventures brought us the following: BHRR's Big Ben felt he could recline on leather sofas and discovered that barking at whatever was outside the ensuite windows was worth expressing his opinion at. Additionally, when I arrived home Monday night, he thought that jumping on me was a great thing. So…………he was introduced to the word of a firm 'no' and the world of spray bottles. The look on his face when the word 'no' had to be associated with a squirt from the bottle on his rump was priceless. This boy is most assuredly not used to having to follow many rules and welcome to the world of 'Gwennie's Dog Boot Camp' Big Ben. 😉 He is very quick to learn and it did not take him long to associate that I when I said 'no' or Sean said 'no' that we would follow through with enforcing the rules of the house. The spray bottle grabs his attention and we repeat the command wih his name so that he will associate what we are asking of him. He has been a great one for just walking away from us when we talk and LOL that shall also change….LOVING this boy! Now, to get him to actually focus those smarts of his on doing what we want him to do when we want him to do it. He is goofy and puppy stubborn and is not doing what he is doing to be deliberately obtuse, he clearly just does not 'get it' in the understanding that we have clear set out expectations re: behavour BUT he will! 😉 AND I am proud of how fast he is learning things. I believe he is smarter than he lets on for the persona that he gives….well, is not the brightest tool in the shed, the loveable lug!

He has felt that if we said 'no', it meant that he could still do whatever it was that he wanted to do and nope, that is not going to happen. Harmony…we live in harmony here and that means rules, rules and rules. Lots of well earned rewards for following those rules and listening and he already knows where the treat bins are!

He was quite happy to see me when I arrived home and that was nice. He is truly GLORIOUS!

Looking forward to Tuesday's adventures with him!

As I posted on the BHRR FB Group, seeing Ben when he was dropped off at KAH yesterday was like having that feeling of 'coming home'. It felt just so right and I literally welled up with tears that he is now here! He was a great car traveller home and the first dog he was integrated with was BHRR's Hailey. If ever there was a dog that could get another to play it was going to be her or my PPSS and as I was told that he played super rough, I did not want PPSS exposed to having his poor hip/knee hurt. However BHRR's Big Ben is not a 'rough' player, especially when it comes next to dogs like BHRR's Hailey! LOL I think he was not aware at one point what 'hit' him for he was almost dizzy with her zipping and zooming and zagging all around him outside with the occasional 'tag' on his body to play!!! He had a few play moments, then I took him in, settled him into a crate(AND this is where I noted the need for obedience, for he layed upon the tiled floor in the sunroom and would not budge). It was like he felt that 'hey, I weigh X and I am not moving and you cannot make me.'  BHRR's Big Ben does not know me very well at this point. 😉 LOL In just a few moments, he was setting into that crate eating a yummy treatie! He had a snooze and by the time I went to bed around 1:30 AM or so, he had been fully integrated with all the dogs. This dog's personality is GLORIOUS!

I switched him up to another crate(for practise) for his dinner and this time, instead of laying down; he decided he was going to back up to avoid doing what I wanted him to do. BHRR's Big Ben does not know me very well at this point. 😉 LOL In just a few moments….again, he was in the crate and having dinner. This time, what I did was that I got a leash, hooked it on; walked him to the masterbedroom door and then walked with confidence and purpose to the crate and the intent was for him to go in and he went right in. No hesitation and complete co-operation. Today, I have had no crate issues. 😉 I think BHRR's Big Ben is getting to know me a little bit better. 😉 LOL I do not believe in negative reinforcement, corporal punishment etc. in the training of ANY dog. I also do not believe in prongs or chokes and the choke that came with him has been removed.

On to some of the history of BHRR's Big Ben.

I have seen his ad on Kijiji since December of 2010; have known one of the previous homes he was in, and despite many passing along BHRR's contact info. plus BHRR stepping up on our own; the person who had him(a RVT to boot) refused rescue assisance. Their words were that they wanted to 'place' him on their own and had told others that they minimally wanted to make $$ back for at least rescuing him and having neutered him. That is not rescue, especially in that he was kept outside in this weather plus fed crap food and had untreated diarrhea issues. In December, an email was also sent out from this person who wanted GD Rescue to send already screened homes her way so that she could sell this Dane to them without much effort on her part to make $$. BHRR is not in the business of helping others 'sell' dogs, especially in situations like this.

Apparently, this boy has been kept outside in this weather, had frostbite on feet and ears and also chronic diarrhea. NOT to mention being frightened, confused and lacking proper social interaction. I keep telling people that NO matter the profession, abusers come in all shapes, professions and sizes. I am often told in reference checks, 'well so and so is a nurse, a RVT, a Vet' and it matters naught to me. Your profession is not validation that you will take proper care of your dogs. BHRR's Lexi and BHRR's Hailey, the domestic abuse case GD's came from one of the wealthiest homes out there and look at what happened to them.

We fast forward to last Monday when I received a phone call from another group who had brought in this Dane two weeks previously and needed some help for the foster home could not handle him. Loved him dearly yet was too much in size, they have a small house, full of puppy antics, lacking in obedience and wanted to play rough plus was so curious about their cat. I had suspected that it was this same GD(the world is small, the GD world even smaller and I have been in theses trenches almost 25 years now) and waited for the detailed information to come my way. I committed on the phone to assist when I could(we do have a pending adoption for BHRR's Frank at this time). Upon receiving the information that confirmed that yes, it was the exact same GD that I have worried about since last fall; I just had to have BHRR step up to assist ASAP. I sent much info. to this foster home re: this past history/background of this GD, including that he is not a PB; including the Kijiji ad etc. for the RVT had told this group that GD rescue was not interested in him. The group was also told by this person that the RVT was not trying to sell him at all. Yet, the truth has now come out and as I always believe in my heart that  the truth does prevail in time and many more people have had their eyes open re: this boy boy's tragic past.

I know of at least 5 HOMES and at least 3 NAMES this poor boy has had and he only just turned 1. It really upsets me to see situations like this. A name is an identity, a very important identity and it is so confusing to a dog to be uprooted to new homes and then to another name. Then people wonder why the dog is 'not listening' and thinks the dog is being stubborn or defiant. It makes the training curve so much longer and difficult in many situations. LORD knows how many names he really has had and if I am aware of 5 homes, I am sure there might be others that I am not aware of. NO dog deserves this.

Knowing that all of this has now come full circle and we can now assist this GDx that I have lost much sleep over, has me just filled with relief and joy!!!!

At this time, BHRR's Big Ben's frost bite is healing well, his diarrhea is much better, he has been put on Sentinel by BHRR; we are proactively de-worming him with Panacur, his flaking skin is much better(we have been giving him raw eggs/shells plus plain yogurt); he has had a bath plus nail trimming. His skin is already less itchy. He also needs more weight. His spine is bony and you can see more of his ribs than I desire to.

Additionally, I would love to do a DNA test on BHRR's Big Ben and I might just drum up some personal money to do that as I am doubting that he has Rottie in him(could be wrong for when it comes to mixes, they do not always visibly show signs of all breeds) but I see more Black & Tan in him(that nose of his was going a mile a minute on the way home!) than Rottie. YET no matter what he is, he is gorgeous, safe and will be done 'right by'.

Public thanks being sent out from the home that was temp fostering him for the other group for she donated a dog bed, a kong and a small bag of dog food for him. SO appreciative and it was such a pleasure meeting you. 🙂 She was so sad to see him go and as many know I have my own interpersonal space issues 😉 ; yet;  I just had to give her a hug of comfort. I also invited her to come out to our February BHRR's "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House to visit and see first hand what we do here and to love on BHRR's Big Ben.

BHRR's Big Ben's fast and closest friends already are Sir Maestro and Bleach. He will spend hours and hours playing with them. He is loving the 2+ acre fenced in yard yet what he is loving most is that he is allowed inside when he wants to come in. He is still pacing a lot but is now wanting to lay down more and more and he had a GREAT sleep last night. Only some very mild SA whining but I popped another treat into his crate and then he was good for the night.

He has proven himself to be housebroken to date and as of this afternoon was finally more comfortable about drinking water and though he is nervous about drinking when other dogs are also drinking, he will get there. We 'share' in our home. We were told that he had toy resourcing issues yet to date, none of that has been seen, but it is very early on and I cannot wait to have this rehab journey with this boy. He is SWEET, gentle about taking treats(though will not eat them in front of you), so honest about his not wanting to listen and there is a big personality just waiting to pop out of this one and I am excited to learn all about him! AND gosh, he is one nice boy!

I cannot wait for the day when he is comfortable about asking for love and knowing that he is not going to be hurt in the asking for it. Those moments in the rehab process always just melts my heart. 🙂

Below are two photos from today. Not the best for he is alway on the go right now. BUT when he naps, he is napping really well. 😉

Sooooooooooo much to write re: much about this boy yet I shall save that for another blog. cheekyI am going to summarize this blog by saying that even though he has only been here since Saturday, I feel like he has always been here and it feels 'right' and 'good' and Sean feels the same! He has just settled in perfectly and meshes with everyone. He also reminds me somewhat of BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws and apparently also does for Sean for both us us have called him 'Parker' by mistake.

BHRR's 'Big Ben' – January 30th, 2011 – 1 year of age(b. January 7th, 2011)




Now, that things are becoming a bit more settled at BHRR, if any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are willing to take a BHRR animal for a Playdate, day trip or play day; here are the February 2011 Dates/times available:

Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*DO YOU WANT TO BE A BHRR Animals' 'Valentine' today! 🙂 😉
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM


*Note: BHRR's 'Big' Ben is NOT AVAILALBLE at this time for Playdates. New Arrival to BHRR on January 29th, 2011*

Please email if you are interested in helping give a BHRR animal more social experiences plus a great time!

Meet BHRR's 'Big' Ben – Male, black/brindle, neutered(November 26th, 2010), one year of age(born: January 7th, 2010), utd on vaccines(Due May 10th, 2011), Great DaneX(one previous home was told with Rottie). Last weight was 59.5 KGs(130.9 pds) on November 11th, 2010 @ 10 months of age. He is a big boy with another 2 years of maturing/developing ahead of him! He shall be arriving to BHRR on Saturday January 29th, 2011. Will update his blog as I can as there is a LOT of history/background on this boy as BHRR has been aware of him for several months now. He has had at least FIVE homes and at least THREE different names that BHRR is aware of and he only just turned 1! 🙁 NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR's 'Big' Ben – 10 months in these pictures – November 2010
*photos courtesy of L. McConomy