Barkley’s weight before going to his new home last night was 41.3 KGS(90.8 pounds) and I was so happy that one of the Vets that oversaw his one obstruction in 2009 and had been part of this years obstruction situation was able to see him before he left. She had not seen him since he was with his previous owners with this obstruction on March 15th. She said ‘HE LOOKED GREAT’ and congratulated me on such an excellent job done with him. Barkley has put on almost 12 pounds of weight/muscle since he was surrendered to BHRR on the evening of March 31st. Considering how long he was laid up recovering; he and I have managed to get a lot of training and physical rehab work in once he was ready and I am so proud of him! I would like to see a few more pounds of muscle mass, yet NO more that that and he is then going to be in top notch condition. I also showed his new owners his surgical area and assured them that if Barkley was not healed, he would not have been placed up for adoption as of yet. I have invited his new owners to our place to see just what it is that we do and how unique our program(s) are here plus that our adoption success rates are second to none out there for a reason. As so many know, we live in complete harmony in a sizeable multi-dog home and my background in training/behavoural work plus medically has been of deep benefit to us operating BHRR at such a quality filled level. However; to me; the reality is that as much as the Vets and our Supporters thank myself and Sean; I keep saying over and over again; that I could not do what I do without such amazing people that give of themselves in their belief of what we do at BHRR and YOU are those strong links on that ‘chain of success’. AND thank you from my heart and soul for that. I do hope that his new owners will attend one of our upcoming BHRR Mini Open Houses to see how we operate and to meet others(they have met one couple that has adopted two Danes from us in the past) that are involved in our program(s) and to see first hand what BHRR is all about. AND Barkley, I shall be meeting you in my dreams…..
BHRR’s Barkley shall be going to his NEW ADOPTED home tonight! We will miss you Barkley so much and I look forward to hearing about how you ROCK your obedience classes!!!!
On my way to do Barkley’s hv today, I stopped by The Wag Pet Shop to drop off some things for tomorrow(all tips on May 16th will come to BHRR to help BHRR’s Ava Marie) and Barkley had a great social time there! He even met a dilute Blue Doberman puppy. From there, he went with my son(my HV partner for today)and I to PetSmart on Innes Road in East Ottawa and he just LOVED those skinny pigs there! To some people, I almost felt like I do when I have my Great Danes around some people for a few were really nervous of Barkley and made a wide berth around him and that was so unfortunate and wrong. Barkley is a loving boy and he has NOT met a person or dog he has not yet loved! After the PetSmart visit, off to do Barkley’s hv for this pending adoption and I cannot state enough how PROUD I am of Barkley. This is why I work so hard to train/rehabilitate dogs and why I have my Masters’s in Animal Behavour AND why I am currently working on my PhD in the same discipline for Barkley PROVED to be impeccable with his recall, obedience with sitting and taking treats gently PLUS sharing water bowls etc.. He did not do one grump, growl or resource moment even when one or two of the other dogs in attendance there did themselves to him. He handled the homes’ areas of hardwood floors really well. He was very ‘brave’. I had another long conversation about proper food for Barkley and why he should have a super premium kibble if he cannot be fed RAW; that he will need his HW Preventative beginning on June 1st as I gave him his May Sentinel and that his HWT was negative; the size of crate minimally he should have etc. I did receive a comment about how short Barkley’s nails are and I joked that I am a bit of a nail nazi yet also discussed the importance of why his nails should be really short – minimizes risk of injury of a nail getting caught while playing; helps get Barkley over his ‘terror’ of having them done as he gets tons of love and treats; important to be able to handle his feet should he hurt himself – especially important to those of us that work at animal hospitals and that another reason is that with very long nails; I have seen many a broken or deformed toe. We also talked more about the ‘sharing’ and NILIF training and that I do not desire to see all the hard work that not just I but Barkley has put into his training plus emotional rehab to go backwards. He proved to me yet again today HOW far he has come in such a short time and I am also just loving the muscle mass he is putting on! He is about 12 pounds or so from when he first came to BHRR and is looking really good. We do not want him fat or skinny, just right! I told the home that I felt most content with this adoption proceeding and that they could let me know what their thoughts were and I would leave to go home with Barkley to give them some privacy to discuss and they told me they want him and there was nothing to think about! Once they are all set up for Barkley’s; they will contact me and we shall co-ordinate a mutually convenient time and I indicated that they could also pay his adoption fee at that time as I was not worried in their being committed to him. I am so happy for you BHRR’s Barkley and I am sure going to miss your ‘wet nose in my ear kisses’, the bumping of my elbow as I try to type on the computer and I know that in time; you will feel most comfortable without fear of rejection in asking for that same love from your new family! I will miss rubbing your ‘special’ spot under your chin, your ‘Dobie’ whine if I walked too far away from you and I will miss seeing you just blossoming to your full potential under the right guidance and love. What I might not miss so much is your 3 AM squeaking of your CUZ toy! LOL Saying good-bye is never easy and my dear ‘Sparkly’ Barkley ‘Boo’ you have touched me really deeply! ADOPTED!
Per BHRR’s Alberts’ blog, I was trying to take some outdoor shots of both Albert and Barkley in this rare glorious sunshine that we are having here and neither one of them wanting to be still long enough! LOL So, I went back inside and Barkley being the big ol’ suck he is, followed me and I managed to capture two shots of his head/face. He is doing much better in tackling those scary entrance ways and doorways and his face/eyes are just so darn expressive!!!! He remains under a PENDING ADOPTION at this time and hopefully, within the next few days, we shall have a better idea of this pending adoption outcome.
BHRR’s Barkley – 3 years – May 13th, 2010 *Look how shiny his coat has become!
Just before I fall into bed for a few(it is almost 2 AM right now), I wanted to post the best of things! When I got home with Tain a couple of hours ago(Tain has been away for a week+); Barkley was sooooooooooo excited to see his buddy that he stood up that right ear of his! YAY! He was so happy and comfortable that he stood it up. This is great news. Before Barkley’s surrender to BHRR; it had been some time since I had seen him at KAH; yet I remembered that he could stand the right ear. I also remember the many talks of encouragement I had tried to give his owners to keep taping that left ear when he was younger yet this is who Barkley is and I know that the right forever matched home will love him whether one stands, both or none. I was just so thrilled to see that he was comfortable enough to just be alert and excited and SOOOOOOOOOOOO interested in seeing his good bud Tain come home! This is such a huge positive step for Barkley!!!! I am also putting Barkley under a PENDING ADOPTION at this time. We shall not be accepting any more applications until such time as we can best determine if this is or is not the right matched home for him.
I have added new pictures to Barkley’s slideshow #16 – #20. I am adding two of those photos below. One of them is with Frost, a GD that we are taking care of for the next 7 months or so for a friend and they ADORE each other. Wide open crate and both can be found lying next to each other! It is such great news that Barkley is physically healed! YAY! AND as of today, he shall be placed up for adoption for we believe that his emotionally rehab can continue in his right matched forever loving home! We believe in full disclosure at BHRR and while a Doberman experienced home is preferred, it is secondary to finding that home that shall continue working with Barkley on his emotionally rehab including sharing that involves NILIF with an understanding yet firm and kind hand/approach. He is living in a large multi-dog home right now and is doing wonderfully and we wish to see him continue on this path of success! NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!
BHRR’s Barkley with Frost(5 month GD Pup we are taking care of for a friend) – May 2nd & BHRR’s Barkley – May 6th, 2010
BHRR’s Barkley came to work with me last night and he was a wiggly 40.2 Kgs(88.44 pounds). I know he weighs quite a bit more yet it was hard to get him to stay still. He still needs a bit more weight and quite a bit more muscle. Those that saw him were very impressed with how amazing he now looked! What I thought was just a lump of scar tissue has been confirmed by the Vet and she agreed with me that he should still be wearing his E-collar when unsupervised so that he does not ‘lick’ at the area and cause a rash. Once he is more emotionally rehabbed, he shall be placed up for adoption. While an experienced Doberman home is preferred, it is not necessary. What is most important for Barkley is finding that right matched home that is going to continue to work on his emotional rehab and have not only an understanding of what he is needs yet can provide that continued NILIF with a firm loving approach. We have been tackling those ‘scary’ door ways plus entrance ways plus chairs and the TV. He is finally able to lie down on a dog bed while the TV is on and not feeling like he has to go into his ‘safe’ spot, his crate. We want people that are interested in BHRR’s Barkley to understand that as we believe in full disclosure that we do not desire to see Barkley set up for failure by placing him in a home that is not going to continue to work on him sharing etc. He is living in harmony with 19 other dogs right now as we set the clear expectation of what is and what is not appropriate behavour. Barkley is thriving under knowing exactly what is and is not approrpiate and he is not confused as to what he needs to do. He is such an affectionate, playful suck and in the right home is going to contiue to thrive and grow in the right positive direction. I am a ‘momma bear’ over all our BHRR dogs, yet I find myself even more so protective of Barkley with all that he has gone through. On our way home on Friday, I received the best of gifts, my very first kiss from BHRR’s Barkley and he gave me not one, but two! No words can explain how much that meant to me! THANKS so much again from our hearts to all that have contributed to his BEGGING FOR BARKLEY Fundraiser!
As I have not been able to personally thank each donator in person for their support of BHRR’s Barkley with funds being sent to Kanata Animal Hospital directly; so this is the next best thing! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The sheer warmth, caring and kindness that has been extended to Barkley in his time of need has just touched me deeply. He is a really sweet boy that needs more emotional plus a bit more physical healing and in the right experienced and understanding approved home, he is just going to blossom! THANKS to all the wonderful generosity sent his way to help save him.
BHRR’s Barkley is healing really well and I took a new picture tonight of his incision area and will add ASAP. He has had a small ‘bump’ just on the side of his incision as it has been healing and it has not pained him yet tonight I noticed it was larger and took a closer look at it. It causes him no discomfort to examine or touch, is not red, swollen etc. yet I will feel better to have a recheck done on him and shall see about getting him in on April 30th if I can when I work that day. Probably just scar tissue inside. I also want to get an updated weight on him to see how he is doing! Tonight, Sean also held him while I did his nails. This was the first time we have done his nails for we had them done last time when he was under having his obstruction surgery. His back nails no problem at all but his front nails…not so good. He was scared and slightly peed the poor dog and he was full of ‘bluff’ growling and I had not even started doing those nails yet. A lesser experienced person would have been intimidated. It made us sad to see him that way yet Barkley had a strong constitution to try to ‘bully’ and ‘bluff’ to get us not to do his nails, yet that was not going to happen for it is clear that in the past in his own home(something his previous owners had also mentioned to me plus is in his file at KAH), this behavour had been used and he ‘won’ and got his way. He was reassured, patted and I went along calmly to get his nails done. When I was done, he wanted in his crate and we let him in as that is his ‘safe’ spot and I gave him a special treat which he took with that really cute wagging nub of a tail. This was confirmation that he had to have had some bad experience in the past, he was nervous and that by trying to be intimidating, he had been given his way. The wagging tail and willingness to take the treat proved that he is just a big sweet baby in the right hands and that the ‘bluffing’ and attempting to ‘bully’ is not going to be tolerated YET how we handled this inappropriate behavour was most important. We did not get upset, angry, panic or scared. He was given a calming word, touch and onward bound we went. NO big deal is how we handled it and to Barkley after he was in his crate, it truly was not a big deal. We shall see what next week brings when it is time to do his nails again, for I want his front feet handled often with those clippers. So, for those wanting to understand this behavour, Barkley exhibited both fear and ‘intimidation’ in regards to his nails. This boy still has some mental rehab to do before he shall be ready for adoption and he shall not go to a home that is inexperienced with Dobermans. I woud like to see him in a home with at least one other dog, male or female is of no matter as long as they are compatible with BHRR’s Barkley in respect to sociability and his playfulness level. Barkley has loved all the dogs and kids and people he has met to date. Barkley is just completely enamored with BHRR’s Porridge and he and BHRR’s Storm could walk in circles all day long as they keep trying to sniff each other’s rumps! LOL For those that have been to our home, you will most understand what I mean in regards to his comfort zone with our hardwood floors from just at Sean’s desk on the main floor to the TV on the other side and from the water bowl at the fireplace to the door to the sunroom. That is his ‘comfort’ area and he will not venture further at this time. At one point, he found himself close to the kitchen area and when he realised, he froze, did that ‘Dobie’ whine and scurried back into his comfort zone. Barkley now has a Kuranda Bed in his Crate, compliments of BHRR’s Potter lending him his as in his ‘feedback’ to me at one point when I put him into his crate for a ‘time out’, he decided to try and shred up his blankets for the first time and so, bye-bye blankets! The look on his face! LOL Dobies can be notorious for chewing and ingesting things they should not and his new home is going to have to be really careful about what Barkley has access to. When we go out, even if it is for me to put the kids on the bus; he is in his 45″ collosal crate. There shall be no opportunities for Barkley to be put into a situation of failure here to obtain another possible obstruction. He is not allowed stuffies and all toys that he is allowed to play with and he loves to playbow and play when he feels like it; are closely supervised. Barkley could eat all day if you let him and I now feeding him three times a day and he is getting his hill work every morning with me to build up muscle. He has gotten much better about sharing the water bowl and if a dog is strong enough to call his ‘bluff’, he backs down gracefully and waits his turn or shares the water bowl. GOOD boy Barkley! It is clear that he will test you and does test us, more myself than Sean and that the more guidance and consistency of training he is getting, he is becoming that much better with his own behavour stability. I cannot wait to see how things are going to be once we take the e-collar off him and he is also out of his honeymoon period! It is also going to be very revealing to see how he is when it comes to bath time for as the spring mud is drying up, the dogs are a bit dusty and with the warmer weather comes baths! YAY! We are still trying to raise another $822.78 for his BEGGING FOR BARKLEY Fundraiser and deepest thanks being sent to everyone that has believed in him to reach out to support Barkley! If all goes well, my hope is to have BHRR’s Barkley placed up for adoption within the month. This will depend on how far he has come more with his mental rehab and his obedience for Barkley also likes to get into that ‘selective’ hearing mode. OMG! It is so funny to see yet as I have often been told ‘Gwennie invented the word stubborn’and he has more than met his match in that department!
I am having so much fun with Barkley in the house! He has been a real treat to have here with us! Something that I have not yet mentioned is that from the very first night he arrived, I found his ‘spot’ and it is just under his chin and he loves loves loves to have it rubbed. He will lean into you and just sigh with pleasure.
BHRR’s Barkley is healing just wonderfully from his obstruction surgery on April 1st and we continue to thank everyone who has assisted him to date with his BEGGING FOR BARKLEY Fundraiser! I am adding 2 pictures below from April 10th, 2010 and I have so many yet to put together for his slideshow. His sutures were subcutaneous yet you can see how well his incision is looking! Tonight, BHRR’s Barkley is going to help make a TON of homemade cinnamon buns; so that I can bring them into the Hospital with me tomorrow to THANK all the great staff that I work with that pulled together to save his life. It cannot be said enough, what a miracle story Barkley is! He could really use some more financial support to finish paying off his extensive Vet/Rehab Bills and on behalf of BHRR’s Barkley, I humbly thank everyone in advance for your consideration.
BHRR’s Barkley (2.5+) – April 10th, 2010
Since you have now seen the inside of BHRR’s Barkley, let me informally introduce you to the outside of BHRR’s ‘Honourary’ Great Dane, BHRR’s Barkley, the newest addition to BHRR! His coat is really dry, flaky plus dull and he needs a lot more muscle toning BUT he is one gorgeous boy. I cannot wait to see how he looks in a few weeks time! Please consider helping BHRR’s Barkley by donating to his “BEGGING FOR BARKLEY” Fundraiser.
BHRR’s Barkley(2.5+ years of age) – April 1st – post – op at BHRR with Sean & BHRR’s Barkley – April 2nd – 1st day post-op